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Limited Liability Operations Becomes an Odd Fit

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Publishing, Graphics, and Social Media (Print, Animation, and Voice).  

The Beauty of LLO is an Odd Fit.  When all your distinctions in business are in line, find the three.  An Odd Fit.  What's the Official Document and Docket then is the question.  The Docket says, it's 3 times Media, and the Document is Dhamer, Dhailmer, and Dailmer.  Meet .. HM, the latest notch on your radio dial!  Coming January 2021.  A New Phenomena by Grace Call Communications, LLC.  LLO and Behold... It has happened!

All Limited Liability Operations must meet a Media Standard and "Humorous Talk and Humor" is it.  Write your Nation's Capital now!  Find out how to become a Limited Liability Operation, and the test is What's YOUR ODD FIT. 

Notice Docket:
the document on the list of documents 'label'
a case or suit in a list to be heard

#investnow #Dhamerhere #Government #radio #humoroustalk #talkhumor #humourousarmor

