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"InFluenza" Charges Forth! Pt. 9


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Thank you for continuing our Special Report Column No Reed with Part 9 of Influenza.  If you're easily turned off by misspellings, put that to the side.  There's a team of people responsible for trying their best to make me look like less of a FLU.

InFluenza  (A Special Report)

Paradox of Diffusion.  Welcome back to InFluenza.  A Pandemic can occur when a new and very different Influenza emerges that both infects people and spreads efficiently between people.  .. "Detached from movement origins a social movement moves thru several levels of mediation to make the origin invisible; forces that reduce all culture to economic exchange."

Set between degrees of complexity, expressiveness, and emotional depth this special report has taken the reader on a journey of circular descriptions and abstract thought; only to bring you here where values, objects, symbols, and stories, should transfer anger to resistance and fear to calm.

I never set out to scare you, but some big bad wolf in the heart of America's destiny and destination tried to scare the voice of influence into a dark hole.  If I had to name that dark hole, I'd name it, Injustice!  If I had to wow you with a name you hadn't heard, I'd name it, "A Pit".  It's an economic and political agenda that appears socially.  The one with authority whether discovered at birth or at reborn seeks to name things and inform.  The one who's name is authority seeks not to diffuse such a person, but do away with them.  There's no formal notice that comes in the mail.  There's no person in their life who is left untouched, and there's almost no business or place of organized value that won't be used to accomplish the task.  

What happens when a social phenomenon like blogging and podcasting becomes like a new and very different style-type of Influenza or influence?  What happens when insight and wisdom breaks down walls that keeps choreographed news pieces with highlights set up just to steer you onto paths that keep you stuck in discussion but never moving to a "No Vote" campaign or to see how vital your neighborhood barber shop and beauty shop is in stealing away pieces of the packaged confusion like the ones that leaves many Americans in the dark about what the global pandemic is really set up to do and why it's being label new and normal at the same time?  

Something brought them to me.  Something kept them watching and listening... and then that same something made me a threat to the economic exchange that is at the conversion of every social outcry.  "How do we see to it that this kind of speculation and whatever faith that empowers this kind of insight stays out of sight?" .. that must have been the question over not tea but brandy or whisky one late--after office meeting.  I can almost hear the notations as they leave each pen and hit each legal pad.  I've been in a series of virtual political style meetings using some kind of technology owned by The United States of America; one that's familiar to some military staff.  I can speak to just about anyone in the country's system of economic value.  These are apparently people and companies, and they speak to me with no fear or withholding about how much they like some of my thoughts but generally are not moved to see me outside of the chasm I've fell into.  This is a distance from "takedown mania" it appears each morning in the early summer, but right outside of the conversation lies a threat of harassment, or organizing matter that doesn't fall into your lap; rather you fall into its lap and the depth is as great as the pit you can imagine.  Yet don't imagine alone.. Coming up in InFluenza, I'll draw you enough picture pulled right out of my personal experience to give scale to what can only be imagined.  Let's look at the list of charges coming out of "The Body of Evidence" as well as the correlation to the Pretty Woman movie; now epidemic! .. and the system's sub layers and reservoirs.  It's not a takedown gone in reverse, but it will appear that way until justice prevails and adds its last fact just above the brim of the overflowing evidence.

Stay connected here with The Beauty Inside-Out Beautician blog for each release of "InFluenza".  The plot is now glazed over with oil of a certain kind, and someday soon it goes into the oven.

Written by: NaTisha Renee Williams

All Rights Reserved except for brief quotations  
