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"InFluenza" Pt. 7

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Thank you for joining our New Special Report Column No Reed.

Stay connected here with The Beauty Inside-Out Beautician blog for each release of "InFluenza".  If you're easily turned off by misspellings, put that to the side.  There's a team of people responsible for trying their best to make me look like less of a FLU.

InFluenza (A Special Report)

I begin with something I wrote a few weeks ago.

"There are human triggers laid so deep into the groundwork of the human consciousness that we don't always remember or think about, but God knows where they all are.  And that's how He wins the battles and the war."

There's a book I stumbled upon in early 2018.  It's called Books that Changed the World.  In it you will find the fundamental consensuses that most of the world is built upon.  It's chapters are specifically about each individual book and its writer.  Chapter eighteen is titled Too Many Mouths and covers Thomas Malthus' essay of 1798 called "An Essay on the Principle of Population".  The book calls his essay, one of the great classics of political economy.  Within the essay Malthus writes, ".. food is necessary to the existence of man; Secondly, that the passion between the sexes is necessary, and will remain in its present state." 

Malthus goes on to state: 
"...the power of population is indefinitely greater than the power in the earth to produce subsistence for man.  Population, when unchecked, increases in geometrical ratio.  Subsistence increases only in arithmetical ratio.  A slight acquaintance with numbers will show the immensity of the first power in comparison to the second.  .. Through the animal and vegetable kingdoms, nature has scattered the seeds of life abroad with the most profuse and liberal hand.  She has been comparatively sparing in the room, and the nourishment necessary to rear them.  The race of plants, and race of animals shrink under this great restrictive law.  And the race of man cannot, by any efforts of reason, escape from it."

"A man who is born into a world already possessed, if he cannot get subsistence from his parents, on whom he has a just demand, and if the society do not want his labour, has no claim of right to the smallest portion of food, and in fact, has no business to be where he is."

Now hold on to this.  Not in the way the builders of society do in essence to abort their contraries, but hold on to this as it is part of the fundamental plot of the Sneaky Finger in my personal case and will be seen as InFluenza continues.  But let's go back to the matter of the power of silence.  First, I should just say that I'm not advocating for the ultra religious who are unwilling to teach contraceptives, claims to be highly moral while often persecuting the innocent of so-called immoral deeds as masturbation, but christens babies all day long of unwed courtships.  I'm simply following the matter as it pertained to me, and giving you full insight into a system that made it possible for the incidents I will recount and present in InFluenza to take place.  But here is where The Road2Wholeness Blog draws a big question mark.  Why then fight against a testimony of celibacy?  Why then fight against the knowledge of God to enable men and women to operate at a higher level of understanding and responsibility?  I ask these questions not to promote The Road2Wholeness Blog, but to show you that the agenda is in fact personal and that money is in fact the cause for the preference for women to have abortions.

Let's also look at the repercussions of "The Power of One People" in this 7th part of InFluenza.  The blog was written over the Christmas holiday in 2016.  I knew it would be powerful because as I stated, I immediately felt nerves about it.  Yet, I didn't know or think of the implications that came out of it.  It wasn't until February 2017 that I'd ever heard the word "anti-semitic" as it related to me.  It came out of the mouth of my mother as I was inviting her to read one of my blogs.  The suggestion was one I didn't fully absorb even after hearing her words.  It was in the middle of an unbelievable overload of terms, signs, and behavior that were seemingly all coming at me from many directions.  You might call it the boiling point; February 2017 of the agenda.  I was surprised because she seemed to have insight into the things I was trying to piece together.  It was strange because I had never been approached with a heads up or legitimate concern.  That made me quiet.  It was a growing bubble of silence; one that grew each time someone close to me showed that they had knowledge or even some of the keys to the growing chaos in my life without actually addressing me or it.  It was the beginning of the writing of the list of people I didn't trust.  When I sat down to write the blog telling of exactly what is generally already stated in the Bible, I had no idea that I would become a moving target.  Even up to December 2017 when I stepped out into a predominantly Jewish community in Miami-Dade County I didn't get it.  Not until I entered a public park in an area where I'd lived in years past only to be greeted by and followed by children calling me "bitch".  I walked on with out becoming enraged or showing any outward upset for the fact that I didn't know what they were referring to and they had been children.  In fact, it was only with the help of the Holy Spirit that I was led to the concept of twin cities while researching some data for one of my novels in 2018.  At that time, it was revealed to me that the city where I'd been living; the city of Sunrise in Broward County Florida; a nearby county.. was the twin city of Israel.  So what is a twin city?  A twin city.. known in Europe as twin towns are cities which partner with each other to promote human contact and cultural links; although this partnership is not limited to cities and often includes counties, regions, states, and sub-national entities. 

Once I came to this understanding, it explained to me why I'd felt the feeling of uprootment.  It also explained how many of the things that transpired throughout 2017 were made possible, and it will also explain more of the motive for the 5-point plan.

Maybe you have never considered it, but there's a reason why the people advocating for a baby's right to live is often limited to a patch of lawn or a area of concrete outside some clinic while the people advocating for women's rights to choose often make it onto some network program; talk show or roundtable.  One of these are in line with the general desire of not just many economy driven groups but also in line with what the Feminist position has been reduced to.  I say position and not value because in late 2016 when The Power of Silence was written and the smear campaign was launched against me, the thought of Feminism was no where in sight.  Furthermore it proved to be a position and not a value that could appreciate an outlook different than what is was positioned to fight for.  It wasn't the testimony I gave that was the problem; it was the question of whether it would become a cause.  This question meant that the preselected had to get into their rightful positions.  For some who probably had some small pressing need to think in a larger way, that issue was subdued by making me a "boy".  If we never ask the question of why, we never get the right answers.  It was the result of some unflattering picture I took where I appeared to have "a lump in my throat".  However this was just another sneaky part of the groundwork to cover up my work and blogs voice and keep people spinning with humour and disdain, but the Lord revealed something to me in 2017 that enabled me to gather all the moving parts; legs and dots of the agenda.  He said to me, "for every action taken there's at least three reasons" or should I say..  it serves at least three purposes.  This not only meant look closely, but it meant "look again".

Still to come in "InFluenza".. I unveil more of the players in this epic "Take Down" plot, begin to trace the lines (or lies) back to the character profile extracted from my works of fiction, and account more of the phenomena that is InFluenza.  Don't go anywhere!

The plot thickens, its rolled out, glazed over with oil of a certain kind, and it goes into the oven.  

Written by: NaTisha Renee Williams
All Rights Reserved except for brief quotations
