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Welcome to No Reed... A Special Report Column. "InFluenza" the Intro

Happy V-Day!  InFluenza is here!  

But don't be Love Sick and don't be Sick..  but rather Get Sober!
Thank you for joining our first Special Report of the New Special Report Column No Reed.  We hope you followed the Suspended-Preview of "InFluenza" for spoilers.  If you never saw this square as a part of the Suspended-Preview...  Boo!

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"What happens when Halloween comes on an unannounced day and stays pass 11:59pm?"  What happens when a very real looking lizard starts to appear every time you step into the shower?  And what happens when one day to your surprise that lizard attempts to make a turn and it starts to move in a tic-toc rhythm? Boo Again!

If you're easily turned off by misspellings, put that to the side.  There's a team of people responsible for trying their best to make me look less like a FLU.  

InFluenza, Part 1 (A Special Report)

The same voice that tells a large many people what's worth buying for Christmas is the same voice that can get a president elected.  It's called Influence!  In a modern society influence is built from the top down.  The technical term is Flagship Species.  The definition is a species chosen to act as a symbol or icon and to stimulate people to provide money or support.  It's a Socio Economic Concept used to support marketing.  We usually think Entertainment, Business, Politics; three separate species.  Right now however, it's a single specie and specimen.  Influence like cancer in this world of specimen is not inborn; no matter how you may like to believe that it is.  It's taken from the outside and placed on the inside.  What is inborn however is their desire to be a part of the Mandala; a political model of diffused patterns of power where circles of influence are more important than the central power.  It's like traveling the world to find the most interesting animals and then training and breathing them to suit and fill the most prestigious spots.  This desire is where cheer turns to blood.  

So it turns out that the conclusion to the outbreak of Influenza in America in the early 1900s was due to a duck flying overhead.  And these days I see lots of ducks.  It's the place where I come to sit and consider what's next on my list of "Things I Have the Right to Do!"  Yes, it's now clear to me that my "right to do" is a threat to some of the members of the Mandala.  And though I hear Thank You quite often; my life tells me that I'm still considered a flu.  For this kind of flu, the vaccine is not yet apparent, but on the top of the list of remedies attempted is attempted murder.  Next is total destruction.  That's a remedy where you don't actually blow up; just your life.  To pull this off you need resources.  Not the kind of resources that first comes to your mind.  Not just money.  Not just a circle of high powered friends.  Not just a lizard that moves at a tic-toc rhythm, but you need insiders.  Make an indent.  

Now the question of which came first begins.  Is it the chicken or the egg?  Somebody's timeline is leaking with lies.   "I'm standing in a sea of dots, and they all have two things in common; myself and a work of fiction."

Renegotiating Kayla!  It's a book I released in 2006.  It's also a book that keeps you wanting to know more.  It's the way I wrote it.  It's the way I write.  It's a slim novel.  I eliminated all the fluff.  I brought just the stuff.  It's the kind of book that might also cause you to go searching for the follow up.  If you're part of the Mandala and you've got a flu on your hands; you abuse your authority.  You tap your resources.  You create a bug, and you get on the inside.  What's Your IP?

No.. that's the chicken.  Here's the egg.  From 2009-2011 I hosted a podcast.  On one episode I talked about the upcoming follow up to Renegotiating Kayla.  I released the title.  It's A Better Pair of Shoes.  I spoke with a few readers of the 1st book.  Some were insiders.  Now you have not one but two.  We're still at the indent.  The First; the insiders.  The Second; the follow up.  If you've read Renegotiating Kayla and you're convinced that I'm Kayla; the notes I've written for the follow up is Headline News.  It's the right kind of news for a take down, and no take down begins with a loud thump but rather a quiet whisper.  And if you're looking for the notes you won't find all of them in the version of the book I released in 2017, but if you're reading InFluenza.. you'll hear more about them as I uncover the sea of dots.

Keep following this multi-dimensional report.  The plot thickens, its rolled out, glazed over with oil of a certain kind, and it goes into the oven.  Stay connected here with The Beauty Inside-Out Beautician blog for each release.

Written by: NaTisha Renee Williams
All Rights Reserved except for brief quotations
