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Overcome (OVRC): A Blog Series_ 4

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Money versus Truth; a battle already won.
My side.. your side, and the truth.
Your voice, my voice, and the trigger.
No truth no trigger.
A weak truth... Trigger.

It's not a relapse.  It's not a reboot.  But it comes like a resurge.
The firing squad surrounds you with a surround sound of things they'd like
you to remember.  Quick, don't forget!  Sound check.
It just appeared that you were forgetting.
But I got a trigger that will get you back into automatic.
It's automated.

Not right now, but just before I began this pilgrimage, and just after I'm done
sound returns.
It sounds like yesteryear meets next year.
It's a riddle
but there's no humor; no whimsy
Yet the trigger keeper is smiling.

His smile, your hate; Trigger.

Not right now, but definitely in response to this; listen for the reminder.
He tries to respond.
She never does.

She trips away her woes,
He pump fakes away his trigger,
And only one voice remains.

Not right now, but really soon she overcomes the trigger.
Her eyes open and the sun is not divided.
Not right now, but really soon he writes it all down.
He opens his mouth and unveils a new firing squad.

It's coming fast.
but not fast enough.
The words pinch, they sting, and they linger
but they're just words.

She's no stick, she's a high school junior.
He's no stone, he's a second grader.
Nothing's broken,
Nothing's missing,
And not right now, but definitely in response to this
