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Overcome (OVRC)- A Blog Series_ 5

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"Write something no one wants to steal.  Write something no one wants to be seen.  Write something not overdone but real.  Write to Overcome."

Welcome back to the Blog Series Overcome.  Today we "Overcome the Majority Complex".

The minority hopes to break through.
The majority kills to break free.
Inclusive is happy
Exclusive is cocky.
The large body is dominant.
The small body is frail.
Overcome the body
work with the mainframe.

Right now there's a woman looking for her place among men.
Become a man,
Remain a woman,
lean in or square the shoulders?

She's waiting to overcome,
Waiting to be a part of a majority,
She sees no beauty in her exclusivity...
And she's been reared to scorn the minority.

Right now there's a woman who enjoys her place among men.
She don't dance with them..
Nor does she fancy them,
But she stands with them.

Right now there's a horse who's unlike the rest.
There's a kink in her tail,
A sparkle in her eye,
and she takes no rides.

Right now there's a duck who hates the water.
She's speckled,
Freckled and dull, 
But she gets all the bread.

Right now in every specie, 
There's a stand out,
An odd ball,
A last man standing.

It's all a misunderstanding,
A scheme,
A gimmick.

"If less appears to be a defect, you spend your time trying to be more...
But right now if you have the courage,
Overcome the Majority Complex.
