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It's Week 5 of 9 of Exercising Power 2!

(Click on the Image to open a clearer view.)

Welcome to week 5 of Exercising Power!  It's Official we're in Phase 2.  Pick up the next set of squares to uncover what exactly this means.

(Click on the Image to open a clearer view.) 

In phase 2 we cut back from 1 Free Meal to only A FREE Snack!  Let's be clear... "Free" meaning "Never Mind the Calories".  The Challenge has you covered!

(Click on the Image to open a clearer view)

Take a look at the other rules of this phase, and pick two exceptions only from the list of 3 (yogurt, peanut butter, and white rice).

(Click on the Image to open a clearer view.)

So what's the Challenge Focus for Week 5?  Well, it's "Beat the Machine" Week.  If you're new to Beat the Machine... It's the week where we complete all exercises without the use of machines.  If you follow The Road2Wholeness Blog at Twitter at 'Road2Wholeness' you can pick up exercise combinations to help you target key areas.   Don't forget to include at least 5-8lbs of weight where applicable to help improve muscle growth.  This works well even for walkers. 
Use the ADD-On Set only for the Ultra Fit.

(Click on the Image to open a clearer view.)

Time for Exercising Power!  Pick up the squares or do your own thing.  
Enjoy and Be safe!
